Southern Africa
Outcome Measurement and
Reporting Conference

A dialogue platform set up with the sole objective of fostering dialogue and
discussion about how OMR can help improve patient care in Southern Africa.



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Virtual Conference 2024

The Southern Africa Outcome Measurement and Reporting (OMR) Conference 2024 took place on

23 - 24 February 2024

Details of the next conference will be posted here when available.

Virtual Webinars

OMRC presents virtual webinars and panel dicussions on a regular basis on OMR related topics. 

Details of the next webinar will be posted here.

Access to Conference Materials

For those who did not attend the 2021 conference, subscribe to access the OMR Conference 2021 individual presentations and Zoom recordings. The subscription fee is R2000 and access is valid for an unlimited time period.

For OMR Conference 2021 and 2022 delegates, the presentations and recordings are available on this website for all conference delegates.  Please log in to view it.

OMRC Objective

Outcome Measurement and Reporting Conference (OMRC) is a dialogue platform set up with the sole objective of fostering dialogue and discussion about how OMR can help improve patient care in Southern Africa. As Michael Porter says - “The most powerful tool in healthcare is measuring results”. We hope that the dialogues organised through the OMRC platform will progress the level of healthcare measurement in Southern Africa and improve patient care.

How do we fix South Africa's health systems?

If we can use an analogy to describe how we need to approach fixing South Africa’s health system.

If our national health system was a road:

  • We would all agree that the road must service everyone in the country.
  • We would all agree that there should only be one road - we need to stop seeing public and private separately but see them as one system that is interlinked.
  • We would all agree that the road must serve the needs of all our people – whether they rely solely on the public system or choose to spend their hard- earned after tax cash on private health.
  • We would all agree that we should all work together to make the road work as best it can.
  • We would all agree that we would like to be proud of our road when compared to other countries
  • We would all concede that currently our healthcare road has many “potholes”.
  • We would all agree that fixing the “potholes” is important, even if a new fancy financing model looms on the horizon.

As New York City showed, fixing broken windows, one at a time can heal a city. Maybe by fixing one “pothole” at a time we can improve the healthcare provided to each and every South African.


Message from the OMRC conveners

We look forward to working with all clinical practitioners, in a multidisciplinary fashion, using the OMRC dialogue platform to identify important system challenges and work collaborative to fix these challenges and improve patient care.

We aim to keep the OMRC platform free from political interference and commercial influence, this will ensure we can debate without any concern about political or sponsor sensitivities.

As conveners it is our belief the clinical practitioners must drive the OMR process. The OMRC platform must belong to the clinical practitioners, and we hope the platform is used by practitioners to take Southern African health forward using OMR.

It is time for practitioners to “own the dialogue” and ensure our health system delivers the care needed by our patients.

Conference Material - Subscribe to Access

Please log in with your username and password to access the OMR Conference 2021 Zoom recordings and presentations.

If you need any assistance with your login details, please send an email to

  • The conference recordings and presentations may only be viewed on this website and are not downloadable.
  • Recordings and presentations are best viewed on desktop PCs or laptops/notebooks.

If you did not attend the conference, you can subscribe to get login details and gain access to the 2021 Conference materials.


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